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Her Muddled Guiding Lights: Love, Gratitude…& Disappointment

Christy Williams
5 min readNov 27, 2020


Photo by Tomas Jasovsky on Unsplash

When she got home from Thanksgiving dinner with her kids, she grabbed her windbreaker and headed straight for the beach.

She had been waiting for this moment all day long and now it was finally here.

Her heart had been full of gratitude and love all morning…and now?

Now it just felt empty.

She knew she wasn’t the only one feeling this way on this fucking Covid Thanksgiving. But she felt alone in this moment and just wanted to go to her church…the beach. To walk alongside the shore, breathe in the salt air, and refill her soul with the love and gratitude she had felt earlier in the day.

Friends near and far had reached out to her that morning to wish her a happy Thanksgiving. Some just wanted to check in on her, some wanted to know her plans for the day and whether or not she would be able to spend some time with her kids, and some just sent a sweet Happy Thanksgiving message.

And there were one or two of her favorite humans she didn’t hear from that she had expected to…and that hurt a little.

But she was getting used to that disappointment. Sadly.

She pulled her jacket tighter around her as she reminded herself of the blessings she received that morning.



Christy Williams
Christy Williams

Written by Christy Williams

Expert in her own midlife crisis, and not-at-all an expert in spiritual awakenings, both of which are currently ongoing for her. christywilliamswriter on FB&IG

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