Member-only story
Her Solitary Heart
Her solitary heart.
She is bigger in her capacity to love than most other hearts she knows.
She can love those who hurt her. Especially those hearts, because she can feel their pain, pulsating through their battle-weary bodies.
She can love those who wish her ill. Because she knows it comes from a place of their own hurt and they are still doing only the best that they can in this moment. In every moment.
She can love those who judge her. They don’t know her story. They only see what they want to see. What they choose to see. Or what they can only see from the filter of their lens.
She loves her own heart and soul with a fierceness, a protectiveness, that surprises her now. Because she works hard every day to remain unguarded, but she is still picky about who she chooses to allow in.
Only the most authentic souls, the most genuine hearts will be granted entrance into the sacred chambers of her heart.
She feels deep love for everyone, but saves the deepest, most giving part of her heart for those who have earned it. Those who have shown her their own vulnerability. Their own hearts.
They know she needs more. Requires more from them. As they do her.